Quick Job Search

Our Purpose Is Simple...

To find our clients great candidates and to help our candidates get great jobs!

Registration Form

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Current employment details and requirements
Do not include benefits, please list them separately below
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Upload CV
Due to the risk of virus we can only accept your CV as a PDF format, however if this is not possible, please email a copy to hello@select.je.
Submit Registration Form
Declaration and Consent (please read carefully)

I understand that any firm that Select discusses with me (either by email / text or verbally) is exclusive to them and I will not approach them (directly / indirectly by a 3rd party, friend, family member or colleague etc), should I wish to, I will discuss with Select first.

I understand that if at any time during my search I supply false or misleading information it may disqualify my application or, if I am appointed, may lead to my dismissal / offer being retracted.

I consent to all or any of my personal data being provided to prospective employers by Select and understand that this information may form part of my employment records if I am subsequently employed by that potential employer.

I consent to Select making the following additional checks on me for employment purposes, some of which will be carried out by a 3rd party, and consent to the disclosure of this personal data to the potential employer:

  1. Media, social media and internet checks
  2. Entitlement to work status
  3. Educational / Professional qualifications
  4. Employment References
  5. Credit check
  6. Police check

Yes to all, if no, please provide details below

Please enter code displayed

Any information submitted will be treated as strictly confidential in compliance with the Data Protection (Jersey) Law. By submitting this form you consent to this information being held until such a time that you request it to be deleted by emailing hello@select.je

We believe in working with people, understanding the person by getting to know them, not just the CV and also take a very honest approach, actively challenging candidates to ensure they choose the right role with their eyes wide open!

Fancy a chat?  Simply email a copy of your CV to: hello@select.je! Or alternatively complete our registration form.